To use the booking service, just click on the class you would like, select the start time, enter your name, telephone number and email address (Don’t forget that part or we wont know where to send confirmation of your space) . You will receive an email confirming and voila! If you DO NOT receive confirmation email from us your class is not booked so you MUST leave a contact email
You may book your class online and pay when you arrive by card or cash, or just ping us a message to confirm your place.
Our classes are friendly welcoming and most importantly, fun ! There are no expectations of you other than to enjoy yourself. Everyone is welcome here regardless of your ability. You don’t need any experience, and we have everyone from accomplished artists to complete novices.

Payment, Refunds & Credits
If you wish to pay for a class or session before arriving, we can send you a payment link which you simply click and pay. This is particularly useful if you are purchasing a class or workshop as a gift.
As a charity, our funds are extremely limited and we receive no government or council funding and whilst we are more than happy to issue you a credit for classes you may have been unable to attend, we cannot offer refunds for workshops or events. The reason for this is that Workshops and Events are planned in advance and the materials for the workshops and events are purchased before the actual event. If you pay beforehand and do not notify us of your non attendance at least 4 days before the event, we are very sorry but we are unable to offer you a refund.